Saturday, March 25, 2017

Book Club

Who doesn't love curling up on the couch on a cold day, by the fire, in your Pjs with a Hot chocolate/Milo no kids and no phone ringing, no people knocking on the door and a book that you just can't put down? Thats right you know you want too! lol Bookclub is starting up for the Ladies of Hastings 2nd Ward, but anyone can join the Club so PLEASE let your friends neighbours, and family know so they can join, I will start a Facebook page for the club so that it is easy to access. Here are some Pros about Bookclub!
  • Get to do something that is just for you
  • Keeping your mind active and soaking in knowledge
  • Take the whole month to read and study the book
  • Get together with the Ladies - to discuss and share your perspective of the book or your feelings.
  • Good therapy - to talk about your ideas and feelings over some waffles and OJ, is like the pick-me-up you didn't know you needed!
  • Grow your library - Bookclub can provide a more economical way for you to grow your library with sharing the cost of shipping and discounts you can save money.
  • Give you more options - suggestions from others of a good book to read can offer you a gem that you probably would have read because you didn't even know it was there.
  • You might find out that you actually might like reading.

    What are the Cons you might ask?
  •  I dont know if I can read a book in the time frame you have given? A: Thats ok, bookclub isn't about how fast you can finish a book, where ever you are up to is fine, not everyone is a fast reader, I am not a fast reader either, you can share your thoughts on whatever you have read. Also I have decided that we will keep it simple and just start out with some easy reads and nothing to deep an depressing lol
  • What about the cost of books? A:We will try to pick books that are between the $0-$20 mark, sometimes  E-books are available and usually cost less than a Hardcopy. Or you can borrow a book which I don't mind sharing once I am finished just as long as you check that book back in! :) 
  • I have young children, can I bring them to the book discussion? A:It is meant for time out for you, however we are all moms and if you need to bring them that is ok too! Breastfeeding babies are always welcome.
  • What is the discussion?  A:We will get together for 1-1hr 30mins max for bookclub  at the time day and date that is designated we call all bring a plate or something to share weather its Sat morning breakfast or a night with cookies and Hot Chocolate. Its all up to us. Now Bookclub is facilitated by me, but I will not be telling everyone like it is......... we will all get in and make decisions for Bookclub together everyone involved.
  • Will we only read Church books? A: ahh NO! The purpose of this bookclub is to inspire uplift, provide an escape (sometimes lol), and invoke you have an opinion and voice your ideas, provide an outlet, sometimes talking to little people all day doesn't really cut it when it comes to stimulating conversation. we will read whatever we choose to read, church affiliated and non ecclesiastical varieties, Maori, anything!
I have made the decision for the first book we will dive into, it is an incredibly easy read. Its the first book of the Series The Great and Terrible, The Brothers,Written by Chris Stewart (See Post above for the link to Purchase the ebook/or hardbook. I have one copy of the book and in 2-3 weeks my 2nd copy will have arrived from America with our Container. I am happy to share but bare in mind its just one copy for the Moment. Aunty Mere Gemmell has my copy you can talk to her about when she will be finished with it and just let me know if you have my book. We will be meeting at the end of April so you have plenty of time to finish it before the Bookclub's first meeting. Come on, just give it a go, even if you dont like reading. I was like that! I would rather watch the movie than read it, but one book made me fall in love with reading, its called "Fishers of Men" Gerald L. Lund, it was a present we received as a gift for our Wedding. I couldn't put it down. I discovered that I loved reading! Soooooo with that in mind, give it a go and you never know, there might just be a book worm inside you after all!


meremozzie said...

Thank you for facilitating book club Terina.Im an avid reader.. nothing better than curling up somewhere with a great book. I'm looking forward to book discussions with you and anyone else who joins the group. .

meremozzie said...
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CamillaS said...

Good idea :)
But you should move to Bridge Pa so you can be in Korongata Ward Book Club! ;)