Monday, March 27, 2017

Future Learn - Free Online Classes

Future Learn - Free Online Open Learning Classes

I wanted to do a post on Future Learn. I did a little bit of research trying to find free classes to do, to get me ready for University when I am better. I was accepted to Waikato University into their Psychology Program for a Bachelors Degree Double Major Psychology, and Te Reo Maori

Seeing as though I haven't been to school for almost 17years I needed to jump start my brain. They say you loose 1/4 of your brain when you have a baby, so ¯1/4 x 6 =  ¯1.5 So I guess Im in the red then. lol I used to be awesome at remembering things but not anymore and wanted a way to start getting myself ready to learn again. I wanted something that was flexible and not too overwhelming and most of all Free. So I found Future Learn and they have some really Interesting Subjects, from History to Psychology, Nutrition to Chemistry Business and Technology, I even did a Spanish class, they have so many to choose from. I do wish they had music classes though.  Although the courses are free, their is one cost involved but it is purely optional, and your course is not pending on this decision so if you want a Personalised Certificate of Completion you will be sent a digital form of your Certificate and you also get a Personalised certificate sent in the post if you opt for the Certificate to add to your CV/Resume, starting around $35 + Tax + shipping, Which is not bad at all. You can do a Degree and Masters as well. They also have Programs which you can choose that have all the relating and relevant subjects that are in connection to the course you wish to take and what you choose to do to have an all rounded learning experience, for instance Spanish 1, 2 and 3 courses can be in a program if you desire to do all of them and it will enrol you for all 3 or you can enrol individually for just one subject
It is entirely up to you.

  • I found this site to be easy navigate
  • I thought the way that the classes were set up was well thought out and planned
  • Very achievable weekly tasks & great use of outside sources, such as YouTube , poetry sites etc
  • Good selection of subjects and courses
  • Easy to sign up and begin
  • No Cost to do the Classes, they do not ask for your Credit Card Details to sign up 
  • Degree Options
  • Its simple  
  • Low Cost for Completion Certificate

I give this Site 4 of 5 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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