Friday, September 25, 2009


Today Hayden's speckled African frog SUSHI died. Hayden had no school today and after sleeping in this morning he decided to go check on his frog and noticed that he was floating on the top. He moved his container and Sushi wasnt moving. Hayden was trying to be brave, and not cry, Karenza came to tell me and as soon as I asked Hayden "are you ok son? he just sobbed. It made him feel better to call his Dad who was in class at the time. I feel bad because just 2 nights ago I said to him "shall we cook him up and you can eat his legs?" I know terrible aye! Cam asked him if he would like to get another one and he said "no because he doesnt want that one to die too" so we are going to bury him outside our apartment window tomorrow because Hayden wants to see him every time we go out of the house and he can see him through the window. Here are pictures of my sad son after he dried his tears trying to be brave and little Sushi.

PS: We are sitting here with Hayden and he is reading what I wrote and he has started balling his eyes out saying " I'm so sad mum" and he is trying to convince me that frog legs are yucky. He cried especially hard when he read the part about me cooking the frogs legs! Oh my poor son. Now I'm having tears roll down my cheeks seeing him cry! What the freak is going on! My Goodness!

1 comment:

CamillaS said...

aunty marva will look after him .. and nanny islet!