Monday, July 5, 2010


So the Latest is that I went in to Hospital, having bleeding which was determined to be a Placenta Abruption and progressed into Pre-term labour.
I had to Stay in for 4 days, I was then able to go home and landed back in hospital less than 48hrs later. Stayed over night then and because it all settled down and I promised the Doctors that I will do absolutely nothing! I was let go again on the condition that I stay on Bedrest, so I had 13weeks till my due date when this all started and now I have only 8.5 weeks to go.

Thank you to everyone who has helped out with my family and I, with dinners and babysitting and coming to visit me. I am grateful to you all.
Thank you to my husband who has had to do alot and for looking after us all!

Last of all we are having a little girl!!!!


Steph said...

I'm so glad you're doing well, I've been a bad friend and haven't visited! I'm excited we'll see you guys on Saturday though! And as always, you look so gorgeous, EVEN IN THE HOSPITAL!

Steph said...

Cameron, you and your ego... I was talking about Terina!! ha ha

Aria said...

I'm so sorry to hear about all the complications! Keep resting and taking care of yourself and your little baby in the belly! Congrats on a girl! We can't wait or her to come!

Kristal said...

Terina you look so beautiful in those pictures! Keep your chin up and call me if you ever need me.

Allie Jones said...

Glad everything seems to be going well now! Can't wait for baby to time! Mum and I will have to plan a trip so we can come and see you and baby, along with the rest of your gorgeous family. Love and miss you all.