Here are some of our favourite photos of our baby butch who is still in Australia
We wanted to bring him but Cam said no and then we couldnt have him in the apartments here
I know rude isnt it! So not fair! lol
King of the Castle
We cant wait to see him again.
We Love you Butch!
We Love you Butch!
thanks for the comments kare! The little girl in the stripes in the first photo is Rosina and Reid's big girl Novah!
I know how it feels to be away from a precious pooch! We had to wait 5 months without our little Haley when we first moved to Australia. By the way, do you guys have plans to go home to visit anytime soon?
What a cute puppy! I can see why you miss him. (Just a side note for Cam:if you buy the house next to us you can bring him over!)
I will be coming home on Saturday. The zoo sounds like fun though. Hope it's not too cold!
That is a beautiful dog! Emma has been begging us for the past week to get a dog. We have to keep explaining to her why we can't have one yet. Have a great birthday!!!
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