Welcome to my Blog. You will find heaps of fun ideas, arts and crafts, my Homeschooling adventures, life in New Zealand and many more fun projects. I hope to inspire, educate, share, learn, grow and explore new and interesting things, but most of all I'll share all the fun stuff I get to do with my Crazy but loveable family which are my inspiration and I hope that you find a 'Slice' of inspiration here too.
I didn't even know about this movie until a couple of weeks ago when I saw the previews at another movie we went to. Then I found out there were 4 books and got them all! I'm on the fourth book now .. I read the first three in a week.
I can't wait for it either.
I want it to be on DVD already so I can watch it all day.
I might have to pirate it ;)
I can't wait! I'm almost done with number four. So addicting! I wish I could go the the first showing on Friday -I'm very jealous!
Let me know how it is and if it is worth going to see now, or waiting till it comes out on DVD.
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