Thursday, February 4, 2010


So just a little note that we are having our 4th baby. I will be going to the doctors tomorrow so we will see how our little one is progressing. I'm doing horrible health wise but other than that I am grateful to have this baby just as much as our other 3 Beautiful children, only difference is that this one will be American /New Zealand citizen. Here is a pic of our Ultrasound for memory sake, cause the kids are always grabbing the ultrasound and carrying it around. They will probably end up loosing it or hiding it in the toy box. I have lost 17 pounds in the last 3 weeks.
I cant eat much at all so I am only able to drink Sparkling water (Fizzy water) yes I know yum!!! Ritz biscuits are my friend and Tomatoes with Salt, actually this week I was able to eat a cup of Pineapples Yay!!!!!! Still not being able to eat sucks and not being able to keep it down is just as sucky, and I hate wasting food, I have asked Cam a couple of times for different things only to have half a mouthful and then give my entire dinner to him. I think he secretly enjoys that.
What a way to loose weight!!!! All in all we are very happy we are expecting another child and the kids are really excited. Lets hope I can teach this one to have a kiwi accent and keep it yeah! Well we will see!!!!!


Aria said...

Oh, my goodness, that is SO exciting! Congratulations! Oh, the terrible morning sickness. I'm so sorry!!! Have you tried any medications? The baby better appreciate what it's mommy is going through! Hang in there! You're in my prayers. How far along are you? We're so happy for you guys!

P.S. What's the best email address to contact you?

Ashley said...

Congrats guys! I wish I was there so we could share our woes together!

Taneill said...

congrats- I am really excited for you guys!

Anthony and Rene said...

Yeah I am so excited for you guys. I hope it's a girl and then she and Saiji can get married!!!!!

Heather M said...

Congratulations on your little one! I'm sorry you've been sick that's no fun. Hopefully soon you'll be able to keep food down!