Saturday, September 27, 2008


We went with friends of ours for an outing, The girls went out for the day to the Hogle Zoo, Salt Lake City Utah,

Tyla Jade, Karenza, Sophie, Reagan, Kristal, Britney, Chloe and Myself.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The University sponsor activities for the students and their families which are fun and free and mostly near the open field next to the apartments that we live in. Its really good and heaps of fun for the family.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


SHE ......

IS LOVE ........
AND LIFE .......





Our Big Boy

Hayden Riding his new bike

This is the first time Hayden has learnt to ride a bike

ahhhh yes Slack parents. He earned it for doing so well at school and settling in to his new school.

1 mnth at school in first grade and getting really good results. He has already started to talk like an american its scary!!!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Kia ora and G'day to all our family and friends,

Well we made it here! Sometimes we wake up and cant hardly believe it ourselves. So it hasnt all been peaches and cream since we have been here, Cam the kids and I have all had our case of well just about everything from vomitting to fevers and lets just say more than frequent visits to the bathroom for various reasons,hahaha so you say thats too much information? ok well for you more braver than most readers we shall continue.

We have moved into our apartment which is good, we have neighbours that are good, we are the apartment on the bottom level our incinerator gets everyone Else's stuff they put down the sink too which is really nasty. lol
The water is pretty gross to drink which kinda made us sick when we moved in, its all good though.

Ok so who shall we start with hmmmm ok our youngest.

Tyla Jade - its teething at the moment so that is really not fun for any of us, she is still really loving though and is still cheeky as ever, she is running now and trying to jump, she is trying really hard to talk, her favourites are NO! Mum! Dad! Renz! Yummm! She is just loving life and fact that she can eat and sleep when and wherever she wants.

Karenza - boy oh boy is she going to be a handful when she is a teenager so lets focus on the now and not the death of us. lol She is little miss bossy no one here can tell her anything. She is really bright and talks like she is 21years old. Oh well at least she knows what she wants.

Hayden - He is doing so well at school and has been put in to 1st Grade, Hayden has only done 6months of Kindergarten and is doing excellent academically for an early 1st grader. He has made lots of friends in the complex and they all go to school together which is good. He catches the bus in the mornings and I have yet to let him catch it home because I have issues with letting him catch the bus home. fears that he will get on the wrong bus and end up who knows where. I'm having trouble letting go. He is speaking this Sunday at church which should be fun cause he wants to talk about transformers so somehow we will have to incorporate the gospel teachings in to that.

I am doing much better, I was sick for all the time that we have been here and just got over it last week. I am home with the girls during the day while the boys are at school and we try to have fun.

Cam, has been at school now for 3-4weeks and is loving his classes and learning again, he is doing really well with his studies he has had a number of tests and assignments and quizzes which he has been getting no less than 90-99% there is heaps of reading so that is good that keeps him busy. Cam has already spoken in our Sacrament program here and had everyone one laughing, so he has this reputation of being hilarious. Our ward is OK we have a really awesome bishop who is patient and kind. We have such a young ward and I think we are among the 4 oldest couples in the ward well Cam is not me cause I'm still a young gun under the age of 30yrs (barely) haha

We had Regional Stake Conference on Sunday at the Conference Centre downtown Salt Lake and we got see our prophet Thomas S Monson Speak and Elder Ballard that was O for AWESOME!!!

They don't waste time here I got a calling my 2nd week in the ward HFPE Committee and they are going to snatch cam up just as soon as he can be caught at home to answer the phone, that's how they get you On the Phone! So we have resorted to not answering the phone for the next few weeks, thank goodness for Caller ID (just joking)

We have made some really good friends, we havent replaced the special ones we already hold dear to us our circle of friends has just become more cozier, and we miss our family but for this season in our lives its just right, we are all in the same boat going through the same things and we can relate. We are fully missing all our mean friends and all our family which makes it hard especially for the kids who want to see there friends and cousins and Grandparents. They are so good and oh my gosh they have started already with the full on accents well mostly Hayden but Karenza does a good job of it too.

There are HEAPS OF TAKEAWAYS !!!!!! and not one of them is fish n chips! lol that's ok cause if you were ever in doubt of how many different ways to eat hot dogs or (sausages) have no fear cause you can find them here all within a 5mile radius. hahaha No seriously there is heaps of eat out places cause its all about convenience.

Oh we use to like going to Sugar house but now we don't go cause every time we go there we get beggars asking us for money and it makes me sad cause we want to give but cant give cause we are on a tight as budget. We have been there at least 12times so we have stopped going to sugar house, and funny thing is Cam made a promise to try and be more Christlike and help people, like stop and help change a tire and stuff like that, cause I convinced him that not everyone is out to kill you if you pull over and help them out! lol so we have decided to not let these souls who definately need help, take too much advantage of Cams Mighty Change of heart! hahaha

We love the Jensens and the Tingeys soooo much and feel we are really lucky to have them as friends in our lives.

Well we love that we have more activities here to do as a family we have had block parties with the block we live in and others here on campus, of course all family and married couples, Carnivals and get together activities all sponsored by the U. Football season has started and like the All blacks and Wallabies our home is divided once again, Cam for the Utes a I go for the BYU Cougars. Next week we are going to the U vs Weber State game with Paxton and Kara Jensen Pax goes to Weber State so that will be fun. So we were fortunate to go the LA and go to Disneyland and Utah State fair. Well I think that's enough for now sleep is definitely calling my name. Love Terina Cam and Fam